I will use you as a pretty word processor

I want to be wishy washy with my methodology – maybe it’s a way to hide my deficiencies. I also said, semi-wisely, that I don’t have the heart to write about memes seriously. With these two premises in mind, I am suspecting my strategy for this site is to unload and unpack all the implications (… I guess you could call it that?) of what I post, mainly on my stories. Probably in a non-serious – and definitely non-academic – manner, but who knows what the trajectory would be. The future is ripe with potential. I told someone today that I would like to make friends with a bear with the intention that he will eat me and end my suffering. That’s kind of my relationship with the future. But I kind of want to change that – I want to be a little bit more reflective and act a little bit more with intention.

This is not the end of shitposting, and – I came across a serious article about it today – brainrot. I think labelling is an important strategy to articulate the multitude of experiences that have been and will be experienced. I also think that labelling can subject things to intense theorisation, both in a beneficial and harmful way. So ‘brainrot’ as a fresh term, I (intend to but probably will not) approach with caution. I found a comment that said that ‘self-reflexive meme trends’ should be verbalised – labelled? Anyway this guy was saying that brainrot is a way to cope with reality. I fully understand. My reality is so terrible that I lean on brainrot to cope.

I’m not super sure what I want to write about, but I want a gentle medium between a super top-secret journal (that is hosted somewhere mysterious with two million layers of encryption, I’ll save you the task of brute forcing, the password is 696969) and a super verbose academic “intellectual” blog. I’m not sure what I want to achieve as well, maybe some form of a gentle opening of my soul to the world? And processing thoughts a little better, a little more articulately? And to subject you, the reader’s, eyes to the landfill that is my brain and soul? These questions are not mutually exclusive and they shouldn’t be. These questions are questions that shouldn’t be asked in the first place.

I think the entire point of this blog is to ask questions that shouldn’t be asked in the first place, or just practicing dancing fingers on the keyboard hopefully emulating some sort of elusive lifestyle that I wish to have, rather than the one I have now, which is spending the hours of 1-3am reposting memes onto my Instagram. I’m not entirely wanting to be a voice of authority, but I hope to have a little bit more control over my words. So maybe what I’m positing is that I want to develop a voice of authority over my voice of non-authority. It’s a desire for control over blurting out random words that are words but don’t really make sense in succession. Or you could replace words with sentences, paragraphs, pages… the world of literary quantifying devices is your oyster.